Update from the Mini JRES


The mini JRES took place on the 3rd April 2012 at Chez Lando. Please find below an outline of the key issues and resolutions that were made. For full presentations please feel free to contact kirsten Lake (Wellspring Foundation Program Director) at kirsten@thewellspringfoundation.org / Phone: 0783276260.

The key agenda issues were as follows:

 Updates on the progress of EDPRS/CPAF and sector priorities with indicators.

* The update on action points highlighted the areas where progress has been made and indicators met. Outstanding indicators relate to TVET.

*Specific priorities for the medium term are:

i) Implementation of 12 YBE.

ii) Improving teachers’ skills and working conditions

iii) Improving the relevance of learning for a knowledge-based economy

iv) Expanding access to quality TVET

v) Expanding access to pre-primary and ECD

vi) Continuing to improve quality of Higher Education

 Draft budget allocation, priorities and challenges

*Key priorities for 2012/2013:

i) 12 YBE construction

ii) Textbooks for 12YBE

iii) Training of teachers in English

IV) Primary &Secondary teachers’ salaries


vi) Integration of technology in Primary schools

vii) Promotion of Science and Technology Education

viii) Increase the capacity of Colleges of Education

ix) Primary and Secondary examinations

x) Integration of ICT in Secondary education

xi) Higher Education

School Based Mentoring progress

* A presentation was made on the progress of the school based mentoring

– it was proposed due to some of the issues raised and the ensuing questions that a task force on the School Mentorship Intervention would be established

 Early Childhood Development

* Key points for ECCD and the current strategy (which we are informed about thanks to the regular updates from the RENCP WG on ECCD)

Early Reading

* Key points for Early Reading and the current strategy – Rwanda Reads (which Carrie shared at the previous RENCP General Assembly)


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