The Fourth Annual Meeting of School Health and Nutrition Workshop for Focal points from Eastern and Southern African Countries – December 6-8, 2011


Uganda through the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) will be hosting the above captioned event from December 6-8, 2011.

The main objectives of the 3 day workshop are: (i) Reviewing the work of the network and agreeing future activities; (ii) Introducing and discussing the home grown school feeding initiative and how to implement it in respective countries; (iii) Introducing and facilitating feedback on benchmarking School Health and School Feeding;  and (iv) Facilitating knowledge and experiences exchange, sharing best practices and lessons learned from national programs and partners.

The workshop will bring together the School Health, Nutrition Coordinators, school feeding and HIV/AIDS Focal Points and/or Coordinators from the 12 Eastern and Southern African countries (Angola, Burundi, Eritrea, Ethiopia,  Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania (Mainland & Zanzibar),  Uganda, Zambia) that make up the network.

Representatives from bilateral and multilateral donor agencies, Regional Economic Communities, African Union, nongovernmental agencies as well as academic institutions are also expected to participate in the workshop. Invitations to the respective countries have been sent.

The Network is an effort of the school health team in the Bank, which has been working with the Ministries of Education in sub-Saharan African countries to assist them with the implementation of school health in general; and accelerating their responses to the HIV and AIDS epidemic in particular.  The different education Ministers have since appointed civil servants to serve as coordinators/focal points for School Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS. At the request of these focal points, networks have been formed in the different parts of Africa (ECOWAS Network in West Africa, ECCAS network in Central Africa, and Eastern and Southern Africa network in East Africa) to initially share information and experiences.
The draft concept note for the meeting is attached, together with a Briefing Note about the meeting.

This is to invite interested members who are working in this area to attend this event.

The final agenda will be shared including updates on the venue.

See Concept Note  and the Briefing Note .

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