The QIWG met last week to discuss 3 issues:
- Reaffirming the QIWG in the context of the new Rwanda Education Board
- Quality Summit
- Rwanda Reads (RR)
The first issue was discussed and the continued need for QIWG was agreed upon. We are currently awaiting a letter from the Permanent Secretary to Mr. John Rutaisire to confirm that REB will in the future lead on the QIWG.
The Quality Summit and Rwanda Reads were discussed mostly to update the head of REB and its departments on progress so far and to discuss burning issues. UNICEF has contracted Mr. Paul Masterjerb to lead on preparations for the summit and Rwanda Reads within MINEDUC. He confirmed that letters to regional Ministries of Education, inviting them to attend, had been sent.
The QIWG will meet again today afternoon to go into more detail on next steps in planning the summit and Rwanda Reads (particularly the launch of RR).