ToRs for the ECD Consultant to work with AKU and UNICEF (Deadline: 8 February 2015)


The Aga Khan University (AKU), Karachi, Pakistan are working with UNICEF Rwanda and the Imbuto Foundation for theDevelopment, Implementation and Evaluation of the Essential Package of Early Child Development (ECD) & Family Services in Rwanda project. The goal of this project is to develop and implement at-scale an essential package of ECD & Family services in line with the Government of Rwanda’s vision to promote holistic ECD policies and services to all children.

The technical team from the AKU is supporting the project through regular visits to Rwanda. They are seeking an ECD consultant based in Rwanda to support the finalization of the package, training and early implementation phase for 6 months.  This consultant will be based full time in Rwanda, thus supporting the work of the AKU through a presence in country.


The main purpose of this consultancy is:

  • To support the finalization of the ‘Essential Package of ECD&F services in readiness for in-country training.
  • To lead the national training team and support training in early implementation.
  • To work closely with the implementing partner (Imbuto Foundation) to support quality of implementation and monitoring.
  • To work closely with the technical team at AKU to document lessons learned from early implementation.

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