Kids Play International looking for facilitators in goal setting

About Kids Play International 
Kids Play International ( was founded in 2008 with the mission to promote gender equity through sport in countries affected by genocide. Our year round Let’s Play Fair and All Girls United combined with our weekly Fair Play Community Day’s use less familiar sports and interactive discussions to shift attitudes, behaviors and social norms between girls and boys aged 7-18. Delivered by caring adult role model “Coaches,” our programs are based on an understanding that in order to empower girls, boys must play a meaningful role in the process so both genders understand how each contribute to a healthy community. 
Kids Play has begun a Youth Leadership initiative aimed at our older Youth ages 15-18 in our mixed gender Let’s Play Fair Program.  This initiative will allow us to provide tools, create a design and implement a more effective personal and professional development transition plan so to better prepare and assist exiting youth from our program to succeed in life.  
Location: Gatagara (Southern Province, near Nyanza)
Goal Setting Session Partner Request:
One of the areas we would like to hold a session around for the youth in our Youth Leadership initiative is Goal Setting (using the SMART Goal method).  We would like to start with having the players explore where their interests are and skill set may be in order to help them create realistic steps toward identifying opportunities/professions that align with their interests.    We are looking for an organization or individual with experience to come to Gatagara and facilitate an initial 2-3 hours goal setting session with our youth.
Contact:  If you or your organization have experience in this area please email Sarah Strong, Kids Play Program Coordinator at to discuss.

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