The RENCP Chair would like to inform all members of the next meeting that is to take place on 19th April 2011. It is proposed to combine this meeting with the presentation and validation of the NGO survey report.
The SNV administration will unveil the suitable venue to hold this activity as soon as it is identified.
As the meeting will be in two parts, the proposed timing is as follows:
- 09:00 to 11:00: RENCP regular meeting
- 11L00 to 11:15: Break and arrival of validation workshop stakeholders
- 11:15 to 13:00:Â NGO survey presentation and validation
- 13:00 to 14:00:Â Lunch
- 14:00: Departure
The RENCP Chair would also like to inform members that the draft agenda for the RENCP part of the meeting will be sent after the mini JRES scheduled for the 11th of April. This is so as to include in the agenda any issues worth sharing from the JRES.
RENCP members are requested to suggest items for the agenda and to confirm their participation for logistical preparations.