Wellspring has invited a retired Early Years specialist from the UK to come and do some professional development with Wellspring training staff. Christine (Chris) Branson is a retired teacher and Deputy Head Teacher with many years experience in early years education. She holds a Masters in ‘Learning Through Play’.
She will be offering professional development to our training staff in the following areas:
- Learning through play
- Good practices in early years education
- Early literacy
- Carousal activity learning in the early years
- Differentiated learning
The training will take place on the afternoons of Monday 22nd October through Thursday 25th October in the Wellspring Foundation training room.
There are some limited spaces open for members of the RENCP who may be interested in sending representatives from their organizations.
If you are interested, please contact Wellspring’s Program Director, Kirsten Lake at kirsten@thewellspringfoundation.org
Wellspring Foundation may also be offering some professional development in Primary Maths teaching and curriculum development…more information to follow.