List of the WG Members:
- Arise Rwanda Ministries
- Association pour la Promotion de l’Education et de la Formation Etranger (APEFE asbl)
- British Council
- Catholic Relief Service
- Concern Worldwide Rwanda
- Education Development Center
- Esperance Education Institute
- Esther’s Aid
- Fondation Saint Dominique Savio (FSDS)
- Food For the Hungry
- Girumutima Utabara
- Grace Rwanda Society
- Health Poverty Action (HPA)
- House of Technology Ltd
- Kids Play Rwanda
- Kigali Women Book Club
- Komera
- Millennium Promise
- Okobi Information Center Ltd
- Peace and Hope Initiative
- PLAN Rwanda
- Reach The Children Rwanda (RCR)
- Ready For Reading
- Rwanda Education Assistance Program
- Rwanda’s Men Resource Centre (RWAMREC)
- Save the Children
- Three Stones Consulting LTD
- Umuhuza
- Urugero Rwiza Support/ Foundation
- USAID/Funded Soma Umenye Activity
- Uyisenga Ni Imanzi
- Vohrwa
- Wellspring Foundation for Education
- Winrok International
- World Vision Rwanda
- Young Women Christian Association (YWCA-Rwanda)