Attention all members! Working Group meetings and elections for co-chairs in January 2019

All groups will be meeting during the next few weeks to start the year and it is important that your organisation is represented at AT LEAST ONE of these groups. As you know, active participation in a working group is a requirement of RENCP membership.  The agenda for all the groups will include the following:
  • Reviewing 2018 activity and impact of your working group
  • Electing 2 co-chairs for each working group for 2019
  • Plans for 2019 
Please contact the current co-chairs directly to confirm your attendance,  for more information, or to express your interest in standing as co-chair for a working group.
Equity and Inclusion Working Group
Next meeting and elections: Tuesday 22nd January, 9 – 11am
Venue of next meeting: Humanite et Inclusion (Handicap International) office, KK10 Ave, Kicukiro (Entrance on KK 521 Street) 
Current Co-Chairs: Humanite et Inclusion / Vincent Murenzi (, VSO / Damien Gregory ( )
Community Involvement Working Group
Next meeting and elections: Wednesday 23rd January, 9 – 11am
Venue of next meeting: Wellspring Foundation office, KG 270 Street, off KG 9 Avenue in Nyarutarama (Entrance is on the left immediately after entering the gates to Wellspring Academy/CLA)
Current Co-Chairs: Umuhuza / Diane Gasana  ( ) , Wellspring Foundation for Education / Vedaste Byombi  ( ) 
Teacher Development and School Leadership Working Group
Next meeting and elections:  Monday 28th January, 2.30 – 4.30pm
Venue of next meeting: VSO office, KG 625 Street in Kimihurura
Current Co-Chair: VSO / Ruth Mbabazi  (
Early Childhood Education Working Group
Next meeting and elections: Thursday 31st January, 3 – 5pm
Venue of next meeting: PLAN International Rwanda office, KG 546 Street, Golden Plaza, next to Marasa Umubano Hotel, Kacyiru
Current Co-Chairs: Save the Children / Liliose Mukantagwera  ( ), Plan International Rwanda / Gilbert Munyemana ( )
Girls Education Working Group
Next meeting and elections: tbc
Venue of next meeting: tbc
Current Co-Chair: Komera / Rosemary Musiimire (

Attention all members! General Assembly on 26th October 2018

Dear members and affiliated members,
Please note that the next General Assembly will be at 9am on 26th October at Nobleza Hotel. We’ll be exploring how we are working together as RENCP members in support of the Government of Rwanda’s new Education Sector Strategic Plan. Come prepared for an interactive and engaging morning. 
If you are a member, it’s important to ensure your organisation is represented at the General Assembly. We will be voting for the RENCP chair and co-chair for the next year.
For more information email

It’s now 25 years! RENCP is Celebrating with SINAPISI RWANDA



Please Join Us on December 9th, 2017 at Serana Hotel from 05PM to 08PM, to Celebrate with SINAPISI RWANDA… 

Following 25 years of consistent and faithful involvement in building Communities in
Rwanda, SINAPISI-RWANDA NGO Rwanda looks forward to celebrating with its key
partners and friends, its exciting Journey toward empowering Communities in
Rwanda and in the Region. We will be joined by partners and friends from the Government of Rwanda, Private Sector, NGOs and Development Partners.


  • Founded in 1992 by Mr. Jean Baptiste SENGAYIRE
  • Affiliated to the Glorious Cross of St Francis of Assisi (Franciscan Movement)
  • One of the Home-grown Leading Organizations active in the arena of Vulnerable
    Children and Women, HIV, Technical And Vocation Training and Entrepreneurship
  • Headquartered in Kicukiro District, Kigali City

View the Invitation and the Event Agenda

Concept Note of the Event

Notes from the RENCP General Assembly | 26 February 2016 at Classic Hotel Kicukiro


On February 26, 2016, The Rwanda Education NGOs Coordinating Platform held its first General Assembly session of the year 2016. The meeting was voluntarily sponsored by Chance for Childhood, RENCP member.  This important rendezvous was an opportunity for RENCP members to reconnect and to exchange ideas in order to foster collaboration between different members, to update each other on key accomplishments as well as challenges encountered in the implementation of national plans and strategies, and to strengthen the advocacy in the broad  education sector. RENCP General Assemblies are also opportunities for Education NGOs to engage with development partners like the Rwanda Education Board (REB) as well as DFID and UNICEF.

Highlights from the General Assembly:

  • 60+ people representing their respective member organisations were present
  • Members received a warm welcoming remark from the Chairing Organization, PLAN International Rwanda
  • Chance for Childhood, the hosting organization, made a compelling presentation on their investment in the life of children through their educational programmes (See the attached powerpoint presentation)
  • Members were updated on key broad sector updates
  • Save the Children facilitated interactive group discussions on key issues faced by RENCP members at both policy and implementation levels
  • REB/TDM offered an overall presentation on the implementation of the new competency-based Curriculum, followed by questions, discussions and recommendations
  • RENCP Working Groups, presented key advocacy issues to the participants
    Members were updated and introduced to the RENCP members needs survey
  • 4 organisations were approved as new RENCP member organisations

View the full notes summary

Various presentations and Advocacy issues from RENCP Working Groups:

The General Assembly in pictures