Established in the United Kingdom in 1946, NFER (National Foundation for Educational Research) is a leading international educational research organisation providing educational research, programme evaluation, and learning assessment worldwide. Our mission is to generate evidence and insights that can be used to improve learning outcomes for future generations everywhere, and to support positive change across education systems. Our research and evaluation expertise spans the full spectrum of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods techniques. We are also a world leader in the measurement of learning outcomes – developing, trialling and delivering high quality, robust and informative learning assessments, including assessment of non-cognitive skills. We work with government departments and agencies, NGOs, donors, private and civil society organizations, and local partners who use NFER’s range of expertise and professional services to develop and deliver education policy and practice. NFER has been working in Rwanda since 2017. We have delivered two projects for the Rwanda Basic Education Board (REB), which included a study on teaching and e-assessment in Rwanda to scope the possibilities for the use of ICT in assessment; and overseeing the creation of e-assessment materials, provided training, and promoted use of the e-assessment system. Currently, NFER is working with an international NGO as the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) partner for a large-scale project.
Dr Andriy Dubovyk
Senior Education and International Development Specialist
National Foundation for Educational Research
The Mere, Upton Park, Slough SL1 2DQ, United Kingdom
Reg No 900899 (England and Wales). Reg Address as above.
Tel: +44(0)1753 574123
Web: [] Visit international development for NFER’s work in Africa and Asia.
Twitter: @TheNFER