From Thursday January 27, 2011, a series of trainings will be executed by the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in collaboration with the project’s Rwanda Partner Organizations (RPO) to ensure RPOs have the skills, knowledge and resources to support PTCs. As … Continue reading →
General Background Rwanda has achieved remarkable progress in expanding access to schooling, but there are still significant challenges to address, including the question of how to ensure that all children learn to read.
The QIWG met on Tuesday afternoon, with 2 main agenda items: 1) Reconstitution of QIWG under Rwanda Education Board (REB) 2) Preparations for Quality Summit The QIWG is now officially under the leadership of Rwanda Education Board, with meetings lead … Continue reading →
1)   Welcome and opening remarks were given by Peter (Plan International Country Director) •   He emphasised that a forum such as RENCP is only as strong as it member organisations. Both in the numbers of organisations who commit to join … Continue reading →
The Wellspring Foundation for Education was formed in 2004 in response to the clearly articulated Rwandan vision to build this beautiful nation through high quality, Christian values-based education. For more than a decade, we have served faithfully in Rwanda, and have invested our resources … Continue reading →