Chameleon Resources aims to provide educational products that integrate play and learning. Our materials. stimulate young children to learn through play in an explorative and challenging way. We offer to supply a comprehensive range of materials, books and toys to … Continue reading →
This section  links you to various resources including reports from meetings (General Assemblies, Sector meetings, etc), helpful documents, and available opportunities in the wide education sector. Reports Useful Documents Opportunities
Education Development Consult(EDC) Education Development Consult(EDC) is the Private and deliverables driven Company legally registered in Rwanda with the focus on inclusive Digital Learning , Teaching and Learning Resources Development and Teacher Capacity Development, Educational Researches and Measurements as well … Continue reading →
LIST OF RENCP MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS A. Full Members The Wellspring Foundation for Education(Wellspring) ASSOCIATION RWANDAISE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT ENDOGENE (ARDE/KUBAHO) A Partner in Education (APIE) AEGIS TRUST Action for Education and the Defense of Human Rights (APEDDH) African Students’ Education … Continue reading →
Young women’s Christian Association of Rwanda (YWCA) has embarked on inspiring children of 6 to 14 years to socially and financially become agents of change in their own lives in partnership with PLAN International and AFLATOUN in Nyaruguru and Bugesera … Continue reading →